Without visuals, it can be hard to understand the process by which oil and gas is extracted from the ground. So. in the fall of 2011, Heather Douglas, VP of Communications and External Affairs, Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. (AOSC) and RK Visualization began discussions on utilizing our 3D visualization expertise to document their SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) and TAGD (Thermal Assisted Gravity Drainage) technology.
After numerous meetings with Douglas and her technical team, RK Visualization teamed up with AOSC and Margot McMaster who heads up their video production firm HDTV Productions to create SAGD and TAGD animations in early 2012.
When the animations were complete, what was produced was a cohesive representation of the oil and gas extraction process, and more importantly, a solid marketing tool which helps the client communicate its process to its stakeholders and the public.
Click here to visit the Athabasca Oil Sands website to learn more.